Our team members

  • Dr Zili Li

    PI; Senior Lecturer
    School of Engineering and Architecture, UCC

  • Dr Andrea Visentin

    Co-PI; Lecturer
    School of Computer Science, UCC

  • James Loney

    Societal Champion
    McCurdy Associates Consulting Engineers Ltd

  • Dr Kai Zhao

    Postdoctoral researcher
    School of Engineering and Architecture, UCC

  • Dr Javed Ahmed

    Research fellow
    School of Engineering and Architecture, UCC


Andrea has a BSc and an MSc in Computer Engineering from the University of Padua (Italy) and completed a PhD at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics at UCC. He is currently a permanent lecturer at the School of Computer Science & IT. Moreover, he is a researcher at the Confirm Centre for Smart Manufacturing and the Insight Centre for Data Analytics.

Research Interest

My main research focuses on two main branches: algorithms for inventory control and deep learning applied to industrial problems. The first one is a continuation of my PhD work that I am developing in collaboration with colleagues from the Cork University Business School and the University of Edinburgh Business School. I work with bespoke solutions involving different algorithmic techniques (e.g. dynamic programming, branch-and-bound, binary search) and mathematical modelisation that leaves the computation to a solver (e.g. mixed-integer programming or constraint programming). The second is based on collaborations with industrial partners. We researched, designed and developed a Production Scheduler for a surgical blade production plant and deep learning approaches to forecasting a pump's motor failures based on vibrations, magnetic flux and energy consumption.

I was part of a research team that conducted in-depth interviews with European stakeholders at the end of 2019. These interviews aimed to collect feedback on the Assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (ALTAI) developed by the AI HLEG. In 2020, I developed an online interactive tool for creating and self-assessing ALTAIs submissions.